Meditation retreat in desert. Photo: Paul Wilson

The world changed - just for a moment

There was a phenomenal growth in meditation practice around the world in the years between 1975 and 2000.

In the years following this, the practice began being described as "mindfulness" - usually by people who didn't understand the meaning of either word - and the mind-training nature of a practice fell into rapid decline. For the record, meditation and mindfulness may be different ways of describing the same, but most commentators seem unaware of this.

Although there were hundreds of movements that contributed to this growth, one in particular resulted in meditation becoming a prime time television topic and a familiar discussion item in mainstream newspapers and magazines.

dot  This one involved a centre known as the Calm Centre.

dot  It involved an author and teacher, Paul Wilson.

dot  It involved millions of his books, recordings and stuff.

dot  It involved his syndicated column on meditation and peace of mind.

dot  It involved hundreds of retreats and teaching events around the world. Yes, even in India.

Mountainside of Rajasthan, overlooking Pakistan. Photo: Paul Wilson

